Tuesday 21 November 2017

Pattern - Dynamo - Lumion - Another Facade

Just a quick tutorial / introduction about the power of the combination of Math / Scripting / Imagination / Pattern Design…

Normally any fancy façade in most of the Retail, Office… have a pattern, just we need to find the right pattern or the idea to design.

As one of the stronger geometry is the “triangle”, it means most of the shape can be develop by triangles, so it is the best friend of a pattern, the combination of them make the pattern of another complex geometry.

In this case the example is a combination of this shape plus a bit of math using “Sin” for the intersection with the surface to create something more dynamic. I have to say the most difficult exercise is just the idea, it is where you expend most of the time, once you have the idea it is matter to develop it, but again it is not something you can say “Hmmm Pop up… an exercise of thinking need to be done previously, things do not appear out of the blue”

The example is a rush example, but it could be implemented on any scheme, as it is just panels, nothing else.

As I said using triangle you can achieve most of the shape, therefore I am using triangles. In order to give the element a bit of relieve I can make triangles in 3D -no flat I mean-.

Once I have may pattern, just apply Dynamo to get an organic shape

From the previous picture you can realise the pattern is a X, but applying math on it the shape change for something more interesting.

Once you are done, put on Lumion, spend a few minutes and one option done. You are ready for another or just develop the idea further.

In any scenario the exercise to create pattern is a really old tiring when you are making/thinking the design, so probably you will need a rest before jump to another.

It is a simple output.

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